John Cockerill Services

Men and Women for better performing equipment

About us

Worthy heirs to the expertise of their founder, the teams of John Cockerill Services assist industrialists and public infrastructure managers in the mounting, operational management, maintenance and modernization of their installations.

Recent news


New qualifications for John Cockerill STIN’s nuclear experts

December 14th 2023
Réalisation de l'échangeur routier de Macaci à Abdijan (Côte d'Ivoire) par John Cockerill

John Cockerill teams in Côte d’Ivoire complete construction of the Macaci road interchange in Abidjan

December 07th 2023
renovation bateau-porte port marseille

John Cockerill teams simultaneously renovate two 1,000-ton doorboats at Marseille’s Grand Port Maritime

November 24th 2023

Upcoming events

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In a few numbers

2023 will be a record year for John Cockerill Services in terms of safety, sales and profitability, with performances unmatched since its creation in 2007.

468 million, Euros order entries
507 million Euros turnover
20 million Euros EBITDa